What is Naga 'Yon!

It’s the city’s tourism campaign tagline that translates to “That’s Naga!”

It’s the expression that comes when we touch on the characteristics and qualities that make Naga stand out on its own. Some examples are shown below.

The Naga 'yon Story in Videos

Experience the essence of Naga City with our new tourism brand video: 𝗡𝗮𝗴𝗮 ‘𝗬𝗼𝗻! Produced by the Naga’Yon Creative Team for the Naga City Investment and Tourism Office (ITPO)

The ‘Naga ‘yon’ tagline is a product of extensive consultations and collaborative effort among stakeholders and sectors in Naga City. Learn how the tagline was developed and what it means.

Three musical compositions commissioned for the Naga ‘Yon tourism campaign. These songs debuted on June 18, 2024 during the 76th Naga City Charter Anniversary and Naga ‘Yon Brand Launch.
  • Halina sa Naga by Karl Ramirez
  • Istaran by AYA
  • Sa Naga ‘Yon! by Ivan Mousart Zapanta

Nagayon/Naga 'yon

For locals, the expression evokes ‘nagayon‘, which can be understood in several ways. It can mean ‘nag-gayon‘ (has improved or become more pleasing to look at); or as a shortened version of ‘minagayon‘ as in, “Minagayon an sakong pagmati pag yaon ako sa Naga”  (I feel better when I am am in Naga.)

In any case, the tagline captures that sense of pride and ownership of what Naga City stands for even as it recognizes what it is and what it is not.

We invite you to continue browsing this website. Even better, come and visit Naga City. To discover its quiet beauty, its rich history and religious heritage. To experience the warmth of its people.  There’s a lot more to Naga than just a place.

Come and find those little gems that will make you exclaim – Naga ‘yon!

Naga is more than a place. It embodies the spirit of the people with its unique cuisine, literature, colorful festivals, music, religious rites, lush forests, and other natural bounties. Its vibrant colors are captured in Naga ‘Yon!

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Learn more about the Nagayon brand

If you're a supplier, a tourism partner or stakeholder, or are simply interested in using the Naga 'yon logo, availing of merchandise, and related materials, talk to us.

What are the brand guidelines? Can I use Naga 'Yon pubmats? Where can I get merch?

For queries, comments, and other concerns, please click the button.


T-shirts and other merchs

nagayon women's shirt
nagayon men's shirt
nagayon shirt variety
assorted nagayon merchandise